Steve Jobs once said, "Have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition, They somehow already know what you truly want to become."
One of the definitions of wisdom in the Webster's Dictionary is my favorite: "the natural ability to understand things that other people cannot understand.":
I believe Steve Jobs' quote and this definition are similar in meaning. Wisdom is not something gained solely from education. There are plenty of smart, educated folk in the world, but not all end up being wise and many don't even know it's an option. On the other hand, many people believe that book knowledge is the only route to wisdom . Some of the wisest people I've ever known are not 'book learned," but trained in the practice of life." Wisdom isn't just a matter of common sense, either. Common sense is brain savvy. Wisdom combines the knowledge of head and the intuition of heart, and truly relies on the ability to listen and discern an inner voice
I prefer to think of Wisdom as an integration of knowledge and contemplative thinking. Contemplation is a holistic experience/
Wisdom cannot be measured. Wisdom integrates listening, discernment ,and awareness. Wisdom requires us to seek the truth and then use our best judgement to act on the truth. Wisdom is the combination of knowledge, instinct, mindful deliberation, and soul-filled discernment.
There are those who lead with their heart and those who lead with their mind. The wise one speaks when both unite.
One of the definitions of wisdom in the Webster's Dictionary is my favorite: "the natural ability to understand things that other people cannot understand.":
I believe Steve Jobs' quote and this definition are similar in meaning. Wisdom is not something gained solely from education. There are plenty of smart, educated folk in the world, but not all end up being wise and many don't even know it's an option. On the other hand, many people believe that book knowledge is the only route to wisdom . Some of the wisest people I've ever known are not 'book learned," but trained in the practice of life." Wisdom isn't just a matter of common sense, either. Common sense is brain savvy. Wisdom combines the knowledge of head and the intuition of heart, and truly relies on the ability to listen and discern an inner voice
I prefer to think of Wisdom as an integration of knowledge and contemplative thinking. Contemplation is a holistic experience/
Wisdom cannot be measured. Wisdom integrates listening, discernment ,and awareness. Wisdom requires us to seek the truth and then use our best judgement to act on the truth. Wisdom is the combination of knowledge, instinct, mindful deliberation, and soul-filled discernment.
There are those who lead with their heart and those who lead with their mind. The wise one speaks when both unite.