I think of peace in two ways. I think of peace as tranquility and I think of peace as a state of heart.
My lakeside abode can host both, but there is seldom a day that goes by that I can't look out my window and find a sense of tranquility no matter the state of my heart and no matter the state of the weather. It is an especially wonderful gift when I need comforting -- a place for discernment and a place to rejoice.
Empty nesting isn't always easy, especially with a hubby who travels 75% of the time. These days, most of my friends are working and long telephone conversations, midday, just don't happen. My other stay-at-home Mom friends used to be my sounding-boards and I, their"s. So, in time of emotional dishevel, I turn to my lake and the Creator who placed it there. it is refreshing, embracing, relaxing and tranquil.
Peace can hold a sense of chaos; joyful, noisy, musical, joking, loving, chaos. When all the family is in the same place at the same time, my heart is full and at peace. It is hard to feel whole, when someone is missing. There are so many fractured families in the world. And, some, if not most, are bi-products of broken homes. According to statistics, my family should be dysfunctional, problem-ridden and volatile. How blessed I feel to have a family who loves to be together and spend holidays together. Tradition has filled this family with joy and laughter. The family has embraced and nurtured one another and gather with the intent of making the most of the little time we have together. Thus, we live in 12 to 24 hours of chaotic merriment. Food, fun, laughter, an annual silly family video, impromptu jam sessions all fill the hour we have.
Abiding in Tranquility and Peace is my favorite past time. There I find the joy promised to us as well as a place to listen and discern. Both are places of growth and knowledge. Both comfort my heart in ways money can't buy.
Peace to you this season...i
My lakeside abode can host both, but there is seldom a day that goes by that I can't look out my window and find a sense of tranquility no matter the state of my heart and no matter the state of the weather. It is an especially wonderful gift when I need comforting -- a place for discernment and a place to rejoice.
Empty nesting isn't always easy, especially with a hubby who travels 75% of the time. These days, most of my friends are working and long telephone conversations, midday, just don't happen. My other stay-at-home Mom friends used to be my sounding-boards and I, their"s. So, in time of emotional dishevel, I turn to my lake and the Creator who placed it there. it is refreshing, embracing, relaxing and tranquil.
Peace can hold a sense of chaos; joyful, noisy, musical, joking, loving, chaos. When all the family is in the same place at the same time, my heart is full and at peace. It is hard to feel whole, when someone is missing. There are so many fractured families in the world. And, some, if not most, are bi-products of broken homes. According to statistics, my family should be dysfunctional, problem-ridden and volatile. How blessed I feel to have a family who loves to be together and spend holidays together. Tradition has filled this family with joy and laughter. The family has embraced and nurtured one another and gather with the intent of making the most of the little time we have together. Thus, we live in 12 to 24 hours of chaotic merriment. Food, fun, laughter, an annual silly family video, impromptu jam sessions all fill the hour we have.
Abiding in Tranquility and Peace is my favorite past time. There I find the joy promised to us as well as a place to listen and discern. Both are places of growth and knowledge. Both comfort my heart in ways money can't buy.
Peace to you this season...i