Mary and Joseph travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem. It was about an 80 mile journey and most likely took about four days.
We journeyed from Davis, CA to Otis, OR on the first day of Advent, this year, having spent the Thanksgiving weekend with family and friends. It is a 590 mile journey and take s about 10-11 hours to complete. We think it is a long journey and lately we've been trying to cut the trip in half by stopping and getting a motel. We usually go on-line the day of the trip and find a bargain motel in either Yreka or Ashland. We always get a good buy for a nice room. However, we have learned that getting a room in December can be a challenge. Sometimes the Inn is full.
When my older birth-children were little, their father would take us north to Oregon to spend the Christmas Holiday with both sets of grandparents. We used to travel at night because the kids would fall asleep and the traveling would be easier on all of us. As we passed Shasta dam, we would point up to the lights of the dam facility and exclaim, "Look there's Bethlehem". It was a magical-make believe moment that we've continued to repeat over and over again to this day. Even in the daylight we remark as we pass.
Yes, our journey is long and sometimes it can be dangerous in snow and storms, but our trip cannot compare to the trip Mary and Joseph endured. Mary, full term, upon a donkey over rough terrain and Joseph, in charge, patiently, lovingly guiding his love to safety, relied solely on their faith to heed them onward. They'd most likely made this journey before, but this time was different. They were on a journey of faith unmapped by any going before them. They followed their call and heart to do God's will. They listened and responded with a faith that changed
When I here my call, will I Go?