There is something about a clear sunny day on the lake and a boat ride. We are blessed to be able to leave the chores of the day, step onto a grubby old patio boat, untie ourselves from the shore and all the stresses of the moment.
Our bodies relax into the ride and our worries are left in the wake as we launch into our pool of refuge.
We start slowly, in a 5 mile per hour zone, so we merge into relaxation, rather then speed at a pace we'd rather leave behind. As we move out into the open lake, it is only then we let loose and go like the wind. Ahh, freedom. We are free from the ties that bind. The dock is out of sight and so are our obligations, if only for the duration of the ride.
And then we find a cove and anchor. Sometimes we read. Sometimes we just sit and talk and watch the sun set. It is amazing how relaxation morphs into rejuvenation.
Taking time to relax is an escape from bondage. Choosing to take time in the day to reflect and rest is choosing to let go of the ties that bind us.
As the responsibilities and obligations of the holiday season pile up, it is important for me to find my "patio boat" moment. It's too cold to venture out on the water today, but it's nice and warm in my house and the view to the lake is a 24/7 option. So, out comes my camera to capture my link to freedom. Sitting in my chair, in the middle of each day, I escape to the water and watch the wonders of nature outside my door.
It is in these moments - in releasing the pressures of the day, that I can open my heart and free my mind to the messages of Advent and the reason for the season.
Our bodies relax into the ride and our worries are left in the wake as we launch into our pool of refuge.
We start slowly, in a 5 mile per hour zone, so we merge into relaxation, rather then speed at a pace we'd rather leave behind. As we move out into the open lake, it is only then we let loose and go like the wind. Ahh, freedom. We are free from the ties that bind. The dock is out of sight and so are our obligations, if only for the duration of the ride.
And then we find a cove and anchor. Sometimes we read. Sometimes we just sit and talk and watch the sun set. It is amazing how relaxation morphs into rejuvenation.
Taking time to relax is an escape from bondage. Choosing to take time in the day to reflect and rest is choosing to let go of the ties that bind us.
As the responsibilities and obligations of the holiday season pile up, it is important for me to find my "patio boat" moment. It's too cold to venture out on the water today, but it's nice and warm in my house and the view to the lake is a 24/7 option. So, out comes my camera to capture my link to freedom. Sitting in my chair, in the middle of each day, I escape to the water and watch the wonders of nature outside my door.
It is in these moments - in releasing the pressures of the day, that I can open my heart and free my mind to the messages of Advent and the reason for the season.