Living in the moment can be a helpful thing. It keeps us from getting stuck in the past and prevents us from overlooking today in order to get to tomorrow.
I love the thought that a rear view mirror is helpful and even necessary, but don't look to long or you won't avoid the crash in front of you. Living in today, though doesn't mean to forget the past. It doesn't mean you shouldn't plan for the future.
FaceBook has become like a diary of sorts. At the end of the year, before you open a clean shiny diary, it pays to skim through your year and glean from the top all the memories that will serve your future. Look at how the negative things can be learned from and realize, this is just a chapter in your book of life.
I feel blessed with all that happened this year and am full of gratitude for all that is.
I Rejoice therefore in the wonder and balance of life. For every heartbreak there is a gift in the pain to open the pathway to tomorrow. Every hiccup can be an opportunity for growth and every success is God's gracious gift and reminder that life is worth rejoicing.