Writing has been a part of my being since I learned to write in first grade. Second grade was the best, though. I got to buy a new Big Chief pencil tablet and I could use it whenever I wanted. It seemed I wanted to write whenever I could. I envied the fact that my big sister had homework, so I assigned myself a writing project and turned it in everyday. My teacher provided me with paper that had room to draw a picture and enough lines to describe the picture. The trouble is, I had no idea, at the time, that a picture paints a 1000 words, so I used my Big Chief tablet and added on the extra pages I needed. I still have a few examples of those early childhood blogs. I loved homework until the day my second grade teacher assigned real homework for the first time. It was great the first few weeks. It was only one or two short assignments a week. I stopped the “pretend” homework and tackled my real homework. One day, I left my homework on the counter. When Mrs. Patterson asked us to turn it in, I had nothing to show. She didn’t know it, because all we had to do was put it in the homework box. I was panicked inside and did not know what to do. I knew what happened if someone in my sister’s 7th grade class did not turn in her homework, and I didn’t want that to happen to me. I went home under a cloud of dread. I could not eat dinner and pretended I was not feeling well. Once I got into bed things got worse. Problems always seem bigger when the lights go out and there is seemingly little to be done. I fell asleep but woke up startled from a nightmare and cried out at the top of my lungs. My mother came running to see what was wrong, probably assuming I was really sick. I fell into her arms sobbing and blurted out the entire story about forgetting my homework. Thinking the second grade teacher was being unreasonable; she called the teacher the next day. I really don’t know what happened in that exchange. My Mom was never confrontational and was very passive in her ways. I’m sure she just told the teacher what I had shared. Later that day, my teacher gently took me aside and told me how much she appreciated my diligence and dedication to my homework. She reminded me that I was the only student who had ever done homework on her own. And then she reminded me that forgetting homework in the second grade was normal and we were just practicing to be responsible in preparation for the upper grades. And then she hugged me.
That could have been the end of my writing days, if I had stayed in the fear.
Fast-forward about 53 years later when I turned in my Big Chief tablet for a computer. God had nudged me to get busy and start writing some incredible stories that I’d held in my heart for many years. He even helped me figure out a style in which to write. Oh, my, writer I had become. I blogged for 3 years before I had another occurrence similar to what happened in second grade. It seemed I had let someone down with something I had written. I did what some would call due-diligence, a comprehensive appraisal of the situation. In my heart, I knew what I had written was my truth and was about me. However, I became fearful. I was afraid to put anything out that could hurt someone, or cause pain. How would I ever know? How could I be responsible for the response of others? It seemed impossible. I froze in that fear and only wrote outlines for stories I would tell at another time.
A year ago, after waiting 5 years, the nudge from God became a shove. It’s as if He lit a fire underneath me and said, * ” For such a time as this you were placed upon the earth to hear my voice and do my will, whatever it is.” It is true that when God has inspired me and I immerse myself into the call, I am happy, filled with joy and productive beyond compare.
A few days later, one my Spiritual Direction partners heard my story and recommended I join a Facebook writing mentor group, WriteMoreWriteNow. I knew it was right. I did, and immediately started writing––not blogging, writing. In late spring the leader of the group announced the possibility of co-authoring an Anthology for a December devotional. After stating my interest, I was offered 3 days in the 31 day devotional, The True Meaning of Giving-Daily December Devotions to Delight Your Soul. What an exhilarating time it was, to strengthen my writing and editing skills, learn how to submit my writing and watch as our leader engaged in the process of Amazon Publishing. In preparation for a November 11th launch, we learned how to send press packages, build our author page on Amazon, start an advertising lead-in, and write our bios which would include links to our other books, blogs, and websites. It was time to revive my blogging.
So here I am. It is a new beginning for this blogger. I feel as if my second grade teacher has hugged me again. I go forward with more confidence and gratitude for the lessons learned during the pause. There are always good lessons to learn in times of darkness and chaos. We must remember to take a look at our pain, discern what is truth, accept responsibility where needed, change what doesn’t work and forge on.
I am and author and a blogger.
In the spirit of renewal, I changed the name of my blog to Peanut Butter, Pickles and Mayo. What’s with that name? Aside from the fact that it is my favorite sandwich, my blog will contain subjects humorous, serious, spiritual, informative and historical. It’s just a combination of very interesting flavors that together become something very special.
Welcome to my blog.
For such a time as this
For now and all the days He gives
I am here, I am here
And I am His.
Esther 4:14
For Such A Time As This
Words and Music
Wayne Watson
That could have been the end of my writing days, if I had stayed in the fear.
Fast-forward about 53 years later when I turned in my Big Chief tablet for a computer. God had nudged me to get busy and start writing some incredible stories that I’d held in my heart for many years. He even helped me figure out a style in which to write. Oh, my, writer I had become. I blogged for 3 years before I had another occurrence similar to what happened in second grade. It seemed I had let someone down with something I had written. I did what some would call due-diligence, a comprehensive appraisal of the situation. In my heart, I knew what I had written was my truth and was about me. However, I became fearful. I was afraid to put anything out that could hurt someone, or cause pain. How would I ever know? How could I be responsible for the response of others? It seemed impossible. I froze in that fear and only wrote outlines for stories I would tell at another time.
A year ago, after waiting 5 years, the nudge from God became a shove. It’s as if He lit a fire underneath me and said, * ” For such a time as this you were placed upon the earth to hear my voice and do my will, whatever it is.” It is true that when God has inspired me and I immerse myself into the call, I am happy, filled with joy and productive beyond compare.
A few days later, one my Spiritual Direction partners heard my story and recommended I join a Facebook writing mentor group, WriteMoreWriteNow. I knew it was right. I did, and immediately started writing––not blogging, writing. In late spring the leader of the group announced the possibility of co-authoring an Anthology for a December devotional. After stating my interest, I was offered 3 days in the 31 day devotional, The True Meaning of Giving-Daily December Devotions to Delight Your Soul. What an exhilarating time it was, to strengthen my writing and editing skills, learn how to submit my writing and watch as our leader engaged in the process of Amazon Publishing. In preparation for a November 11th launch, we learned how to send press packages, build our author page on Amazon, start an advertising lead-in, and write our bios which would include links to our other books, blogs, and websites. It was time to revive my blogging.
So here I am. It is a new beginning for this blogger. I feel as if my second grade teacher has hugged me again. I go forward with more confidence and gratitude for the lessons learned during the pause. There are always good lessons to learn in times of darkness and chaos. We must remember to take a look at our pain, discern what is truth, accept responsibility where needed, change what doesn’t work and forge on.
I am and author and a blogger.
In the spirit of renewal, I changed the name of my blog to Peanut Butter, Pickles and Mayo. What’s with that name? Aside from the fact that it is my favorite sandwich, my blog will contain subjects humorous, serious, spiritual, informative and historical. It’s just a combination of very interesting flavors that together become something very special.
Welcome to my blog.
For such a time as this
For now and all the days He gives
I am here, I am here
And I am His.
Esther 4:14
For Such A Time As This
Words and Music
Wayne Watson